About Us

Doon Imperial Residential School, Dehradun, is one of the leading boarding schools in India. Since its conception in 2008, Doon Imperial Residential School is a full boarding school in Dehradun that has been preparing students with an education that goes over and beyond the curriculum.

As a 21st century Educational Institution, our school considers knowledge to be much more than examinations and qualifications. Ethical principals, necessary skills in the age of Information Technology, a sound character, and a positive outlook towards life.

Following its principles, The School motivates its pupils to be creative thinkers, peacemakers and confident humanitarians. We hope that, while they are at school, and afterwards, they will make contributions to responsive and responsible public leadership in the world.

We are an industry leader in helping youth realize their potential. Our students become their best selves in a structured elite private school environment with a personalized therapeutic approach. We provide an environment that inspires students to develop a lifelong love of learning and a positive plan for a future career path.

Our students have access to significantly more resources than any other School. Our environment encourages emotional health. Our students learn to interact with their families and peers in a way that produces healthy relationships. Our intimate setting provides considerably more opportunities for our students.


The school believes that children have an unlimited potential to Grow Tall and reach unseen heights, given that they are provided the right environment to grow in, just like the Sal tree forests of Droncharya Ashram that surround the Tapovan Bhoomi we are located upon.


We wish to see all our children Grow Tall in strength and character. Cherish their traditional Indian values but at the same time inculcate Global knowledge and values best suited to their growth.

Grow Tall for the world to see the potential children of Doon Imperial can show in this modern era of the 21st Century.


Education and upbringing has become the challenge of modern era with the children facing the new world alone without their School helping them out figure out these hurdles. We at Doon Imperial Aim to be the pillar of knowledge, strength and support that the chilren need in this modern era.

"A healthy mind rests in a healthy body."

We at Doon Imperial aim to cultivate both for the children such that they can excel in fields of Academics, Sports, Culture, Information Technology and many more.


Doon Imperial Residential School is a unit of Shiv Mahima Educational Society registered under the Society Registration Act 1860. The school has been teaching children for over 14 years following in the footsteps of Shri Nasseb Singh Chahal, a man of great vision and foresight. It was the dream of Shri Naseeb Singh Chahal Ji to set up an educational institute where all education facilities of the world come to one place and the child can get easy access to the best education in the world while they grow strong and healthy in a pristine natural environment. He wanted to provide the boys with the modern system of boarding education. "We merely transformed his Dream and Imagination into Reality".

Mr. Naresh Chahal



Dear Parents, Esteemed Faculty, And Resilient Students, It is with immense pleasure and a sense of shared anticipation that I welcome you to a promising academic year – 2024 at DIRS. Our vision at DIRS is not only impart knowledge but to shape young minds into confident, compassionate and responsible individuals. This Academic year promises a journey of growth, exploration and meaningful accomplishments. Our esteemed faculty with their wealth of experience is dedicated to guiding and inspiring each student. Together we aim to create an environment where curiosity thrives, resilience is nurtured, and dreams find the wings to soar. As we navigate this educational odyssey, I encourage all students to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and to take pride in their unique talents parents, your partnership in this endeavor is invaluable, and together we can create an environment where every child thrives.Wishing each one of you a year filled with curiosity, discover, and the joy of learning.

Warm regards
Kelvin Chaudhary
Doon Imperial Residential School,


Doon Imperial School is located on the hillocks of Shivalik Ranges, surrounded by a pleasant green reserve forerst of sal tree having pollution free environment with pristine beauty which plays an important role in the physical and mental development of the child.

Located on a hilltop admist the city of Dehradun on Riaipur Road at a distance of about 5 kilometres from the clocktower.

Student Says About Us

Separated they live in. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country